1006 and 145 – Tsunemi Maehara Rooney – (SOCIAL JUSTICE COUNSELING 201 INTEGRATING COUNSELING AND ADVOCACY: FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE, Social Justice Counseling 201: From Theory To Practice)
1006 and 145 – Tsunemi Maehara Rooney – (SOCIAL JUSTICE COUNSELING 201 INTEGRATING COUNSELING AND ADVOCACY: FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE, Social Justice Counseling 201: From Theory To Practice)
The mission of the Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence is to inspire Colorado to end domestic violence. We provide training and technical assistance to local domestic violence programs across the state, create change at the state and local level through our collective voice, and engage all Coloradans in our work to end violence.
The Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CCASA) is a membership organization promoting safety, justice, and healing for survivors while working toward the elimination of sexual violence. Founded in 1984 by rape crisis advocates, CCASA advances its mission by providing education and training to sexual assault service providers, public policy advocacy, and member support.