Call For Presenters 2019

Requirement and guidance for submitting papers

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Proposals must be submitted online for consideration.  You can save your progress and come back to finish proposals.

Review and Submit

2019 Call for Proposals Closed, Monday, November 19, 2018 at 5PM MT.

Conference Themes and Topics

The Colorado Advocacy in Action Conference is a place to share, discuss, and explore the connections and creative solutions essential in our efforts to address and end sexual and domestic violence. We are looking for presenters to address what survivors and communities really need, not just for intervention, but also for prevention and for social change. We welcome workshops on advocacy beyond services. Here are some questions that you might consider as you prepare your presentation/proposal:

2019 CAIA Call for Proposals Closed on Monday, November 19, 2018 at 5PM MT

  • What does advocacy look like? What are emerging issues and best practices that have been successful in your program/community?
  • What is the role of a direct service program in prevention and social change?
  • What is the role of collaborations to best support and engage underserved communities in your area? How has your program innovatively worked with other kinds of service providers (faith, culturally specific, military, sports leaders, etc.) to meet the needs of traditionally marginalized survivors/communities?
  • How can we work toward dismantling oppression that is at the root of gender violence?
  • How can community-based programs address/support behavior change/accountability for offenders and the systems that work with them?
  • How does research inform our work? How do we effectively evaluate research, especially where it might be contradictory or impact best practices?
  • What role does public will building play for your program? How can communities prioritize prevention while still providing effective intervention?