Workshop Name Presenter Co Presenter Name Co Presenter 2 Name Co Presenter 3 Name
Welcome & Opening Remarks with Sarah Will (Salon E & F) Break
Using Empowerment Evaluation Approach: What are we learning from Domestic Violence Organizations – Part 1 Ashley Wilson Mozhdeh Bruss
The Care and Feeding of Law Enforcement (LE) for Advocates Russell Strand
Bringing Men into the Movement Graham Hackett
Building Capacity for Response to Intimate Partner Violence in K-12 Schools Rebecca Tiell-Krekeler Monica Bies
Mental Health in Immigrants and Experiences of Oppression: A Contemplative and Social Justice Approach Angie Lorena Alvarado Caro
Understanding Dynamics of Intimate Partner Violence in the LGBTQIA+ Community Shen Hollcraft
The Power of Collaboration – How Survivors Benefit When Advocacy & Law Enforcement Work Together! Marnie Christensene
Using Empowerment Evaluation Approach: What are we learning from Domestic Violence Organizations – Part 2 Ashley Wilson Mozhdeh Bruss
Advancing QTBIPOC/LGBTQI Survivor Support in our Movements Anne Tapp Sequoya Hayes Roshan Kalantar
Meeting the needs of people living with HIV and violence Karen Hampanda Megan Dinnebeil
Intersections in Human Trafficking: How to work with the anti-violence and anti-oppression communities to end human trafficking in Colorado Kara Napolitano Erin Atencio
Starting the Conversation: Officer Involved Domestic Violence Nanette Chezum
Lunch: Grab lunch and join us for our 2020 Keynote Presentation (Salon E & F) Copy Break
Culturally Specific Advocacy; Factors to Consider When Providing Services to AAPI Survivors of Crime – Part 1 Zonya Dawson Nhu-Minh Le
Meaningful Community Engagement – Part 1 Chance LeBeau Lindsay Christopher Kristin Lacy
Implicit Bias and Intersectionality: It’s a Human Condition Myra Strand
Provider Mental Readiness — Resiliency to Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue and Burnout IS Possible – Part 1 Daniel Crampton Ann Rush Crampton
Building the Board You Need Shannon Meyer
Post-Conviction Victim Advocacy Lindsay Klatt Casey Ballinger
Culturally Specific Advocacy; Factors to Consider When Providing Services to AAPI Survivors of Crime – Part 2 Zonya Dawson Nhu-Minh Le
Meaningful Community Engagement – Part 2 Chance LeBeau Lindsay Christopher Kristin Lacy
Provider Mental Readiness — Resiliency to Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue and Burnout IS Possible – Part 2 Daniel Crampton Ann Rush Crampton
The Ties That Bind: Investigating Sexual Abuse Allegations in a Rural Community Lisa Cesario Russell Lengel
Male Victimization: Strategies for Building Trust and Normalizing the Conversation Bernie McFarling
Embedding Anti-Oppression into Organizational Practices – Part 1 Regan Byrd
Adapting sexual violence prevention programs for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities Abbey Collins, MPH
Networking Mixer 2020 Break
Restoring Connections: Rebuilding Relationships with Restorative Justice – Part 1 Deb Witzel Elizabeth Porter-Merrill Lynn Lee Danielle Fagan
Expanding services to all victims: Language Access Planning and Implementation Ana Paula Noguez Mercado
Using Social Media to End Rape Culture Wagatwe Wanjuki
The Crossroads of Immigration, Violence, and Survivorship: A Map for Advocates Patricia Medige Karina Arreola
Considerations for Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse or Neglect Beth Collins
Embedding Anti-Oppression into Organizational Practices – Part 2 Regan Byrd
Restoring Connections: Rebuilding Relationships with Restorative Justice – Part 2 Deb Witzel Elizabeth Porter-Merrill Lynn Lee Danielle Fagan
How Burnout Led Me to Trauma Informed Representation Maria-Vittoria Carminati
Goal Centered Advocacy: Ensuring Long-Term Success for Short-Term Clients Cato Kraft Rosemary Truman
When Law Is, and When Law is Not, the Answer Tammy Kuennen Jennifer Eyl
Lunch: Grab Lunch and Join Us for 2020 Awards Presentation (Fajita Bar!) Break
Out of the Margins: Latinx Survivorship Veronica Quinonez
Victims With Disabilities Matter: A Primer to Help Make Sure Jean Solis Darla Stuart
Policy Updates (2020) Raana Simmons Lydia Waligorski
The Power of Storytelling to Effect Change Arrian Belkin Fawn Bolak
Culturally appropriate safety planning and trust building Sophie Keeley
Yes! Yes! Yes! Using Sex Positivity to Inform Violence Prevention Strategies Zoa Schescke Anna Wendt
Self-Care: Take your pick of the options we’ve provided or relax on your own! Break
When Cultural Competency and Intersectionality Backfire Veronica Quinonez
Let’s Talk about (Healthy) Sex, Baby: Starting the Conversation Maria Mendez Amy Pohl
Elevating all Crime Survivor Voices! An Alternative Perspective: Trauma for Crime Survivors at the Intersection of race, culture, gender and ethnicity. Juston Cooper, M.P.A. Wendy Talley
Building Inclusive & Equitable Organizations Anne Tapp Agueda Morgan
Gender and Sexuality 101: At the Intersections of Accessibility Emma Martin
Release Trauma Through Decompression; The Missing Link to Self-care Sabrina Fritts
Family Law and the Colorado Address Confidentiality Program Nikki Hernandez Jackie Cash
From Victim to Survivor: Music as a Tool for Healing and Empowerment Veronica Quinonez
Applying an Anti-Oppression Lens to Primary Prevention Education Sarah Dobson
Colorado VINE – More Than Just the Link Anthony Antuna
How to Use the Power of Social Media to Amplify Your Message (Part 1) Tracy Malone
Building Bridges: Advocating for Survivors Involved with Child Welfare Brooke Ely-Milen Laura Solomon
Mitigating Data Collection Nightmares Lindsay Christopher Echo Rivera
Singing Our Rivers Red for Indigenous Women Kelsey Lansing
Break na whitman
Advocates as Community Builders Rita Sneider-Cotter
Building Anti-Violence Partners with Child Welfare Hannah Colter Donnie Smith
How to Use the Power of Social Media to Amplify Your Message (Part 2) Tracy Malone
PREA – What it means to you as a victim’s advocate. David Walts
Culturally Responsive Supervision Rebecca Nickels
Reducing the Impact of Ageism on Victim Services Linda Loflin Pettit
Lunch: Grab lunch and join us for our Keynote Presentation (Salon E & F) Break
At the Intersections of Substance Misuse/Abuse and Young Adults Brenda Herrera Moreno
Custom Brew: Practical Application of Customization Tips for CAFE Chelsea Baldwin
Building Partnership between Community providers and Correctional Facilities Katie Abayta
Legal Advice vs. Legal Information: Avoiding the Unauthorized Practice of Law Jennifer Eyl
Integrating Health Services into Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Agencies in Colorado Liz Stuewe
Break na whitman
Expanding services to all victims: Language Access Planning and Implementation Ana Paula Noguez Mercado
A Guide to Juvenile Sexting Prevention in Colorado Margaret Ochoa
Innovation and Collaboration: Boosting Volunteer Numbers through Creative Community Partnerships Sarab Khalsa Natasha Tidwell
Policy Updates (2019) Raana Simmons Lydia Waligorski
Queer PoC Survivorship – Approaches from a Black Feminist Social Work Lens Sequoya Hayes
The Necessity of Community Partnerships in Social Justice Counseling: The importance of supporting clients beyond the therapeutic relationship Erin Shannon Sophie Keeley
Achieving Justice for Victims of Sexual Assault by Medical Professionals and Massage Therapists Pamela Maass Natasha Koeplin
Everything You Wanted to Know About Rural Outreach Leah Green
Issues in Advocacy for Victims Who Use Interpreters Julia White
Practical Applications in Understanding the Neurobiology of Trauma (Part 1) Ruby Jo Walker Ruby Jo Walker
The Role of Allies and Advocates in Ending Violence Against Native Women Sarah Deer
Using MI skills to work with survivors of violence to help promote change and validate experience (Part 1) Darlene Brace
Break na whitman
Challenging the Dominant Public Discourse on Sexual Violence Lindsey Breslin
“Door in the mountain/ let me in” : Healing and Writing Workshop Alicia Montero
Practical Applications in Understanding the Neurobiology of Trauma (Part 2) Ruby Jo Walker Ruby Jo Walker
Responding to Forced Marriage in Colorado (Part 1) Casey Swegman Jeanne Smoot Hellitz Villegas
Using MI skills to work with survivors of violence to help promote change and validate experience (Part 2) Darlene Brace
Supporting Immigrants and Refugees: Lessons from a Trauma-Informed Approach Virginia Vassar Aggrey
Lunch: Grab Lunch and Join Us for Awards Presentation (Fajita Bar!) Break
Engagement with Porn for the Mitigation of Violence Kit Maloney
It’s Not Just a Threat: Supporting Survivors of Intimate Partner Suicide Jenn Doe Heidi Hexe
Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Advocacy: Legal & Non-Legal Partnerships Sirikit Benja-Athonsirikul Michael Eidelson
Responding to Forced Marriage in Colorado (Part 2) Casey Swegman Jeanne Smoot Hellitz Villegas Lydia Waligorski
Secondary Trauma and Collective Resiliency: Cultivating a Culture of Resiliency Within Ourselves and Each Other Megan Burch