Jalice Vigil


Jalice Vigil

Jalice Vigil is a Probation Analyst with the Division of Probation Services at the Colorado Judicial Department, State Court Administrator’s Office. Jalice has been with Judicial for 18 years. Her duties include program oversight, policy development, and training for the Victims Services, Domestic Violence and Female Offender programs for the 23 probation departments in Colorado. Prior to working at the Division of Probation Services, Jalice worked at the Denver Juvenile Probation Department as the Victim Assistance and Restorative Justice Coordinator for two years. Jalice's positions with Colorado Probation have been to work directly with Probation Officers and other staff to provide notification and referrals to crime victims whose defendant has been sentenced to Probation. Jalice was a member of the National Judicial Advisory Board to help develop and provide ongoing, consistent training to judges and court personnel. In addition Jalice provides training in Impact of Crime, Victims' Rights, Victim Empathy for Offenders, Basics of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Victimization, Responding to Stalking, Cultural Considerations in Assisting Victims of Crime, Victimology, Vicarious Trauma, Trauma Informed Response to Supervision, and Effective Tools for Working with Women Offenders in the Community. Jalice is a graduate of the University of Colorado at Boulder with a degree in Psychology. Go Buffs!