Kristiana Huitron
Ms. Huitrón has been advocating for sexual assault and domestic violence survivors for more than 15 years. Working in Rural and urban settings she developed curriculum and supportive programming for youth and child survivors and the children of survivors in both English and Spanish. As manager of a 38 bed shelter and 24 hour crisis line in an urban area she was able to institute trauma informed and inclusive principles and policies. She has worked with the Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV) as either an employee or a consultant since 2009 providing technical assistance and training. In 2011 and 2012 she worked on the Domestic Violence Prevention Initiative with Red Wind Consulting, Inc. coordinating trainings on Sexual Assault Response Teams (SART) and Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners (SAFE) Certifications at all project sites, and being the program liaison to Navajo and Alaskan domestic violence funded programs. At present, she is the Latin@ Outreach Project Director for CCADV developing culturally based responses in rural locations across Colorado. She is also a founding board member and the executive director of Voces Unidas for Justice, a cultural and language based organization responding to sexual and domestic violence in Colorado Springs, and providing training, products, and technical assistance across the state and nationally.