Giugi Carminati


Giugi Carminati

Maria-Vittoria "Giugi" Carminati is a trauma-informed attorney, a women's advocate, and a registered psychotherapist. She founded The Woman's Lawyer, a trauma-informed law firm focused on representing victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. She is now Managing Attorney for the W and SW of the United States for NDH, LLC, a social justice and civil rights law firm. At NDH, LLC, Giugi works on high impact litigation, including sexual assault cases against perpetrators. Giugi experienced sexual harassment and physical assault as a teenager and uses those experiences to inform her work. She also has a blog, Argue Like a Girl, where she discusses current events through an anti-oppression and feminist lens. Giugi speaks four languages, including Spanish. She has four children and lives in Aurora, CO.