CCADV/CCASA Policy Updates

06 Jun 2016
2:00 pm-3:15 pm

CCADV/CCASA Policy Updates

Come discuss the implementation opportunities of recent domestic violence and sexual assault legislation, with a primary focus on HB 1080: Assault by Strangulation and HB 1058 Misuse of Electronic Images by a Juvenile.  Lydia and Raana will also lead discussion regarding upcoming national and local trends in domestic violence /sexual assault policy work with a focus on CCADV/CCASA priorities for future legislation.

Each of these bills creates new advocacy opportunities and contains vital information for multidisciplinary responders working with domestic violence and sexual assault victims.  The Presenters will provide an overview of each of these bills, and will help troubleshoot implementation challenges.   The Presenters will also discuss ways to be involved with domestic violence and sexual assault policy advocacy, and lead audience discussion regarding upcoming national and local trends in domestic violence /sexual assault policy work.

  • Participants will learn about new laws passed in the 2016 Legislative session and how these laws will impact survivors.
  • Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions in this discussion-based presentation.
  • Participants will learn CCADV/CCASA policy priorities for the 2017 Legislative sessions and ways to get involved in the policy work of the Coalitions