Responding to Official Demands for Information – Part 2

07 Jun 2016
10:00 am-11:15 am

Responding to Official Demands for Information – Part 2

Anti-violence advocates observe a high-level of confidentiality with violence survivors, perhaps the highest of any profession in our community.  skillbuilding-stackedBut, what is an advocate supposed to do, supposed to say when another professional demands access to that confidential information?  How can you respond to such demands without harming the violence survivor, without alienating your community partners, and without violating your organization’s ethical and legal duties?  This session will be cover three main areas: (1) the state, federal, tribal and military law on privilege and confidentiality for advocacy professionals, (2) the types and reasons for official demands for confidential information that advocates field on a regular basis, and (3) the practical strategies for ethically responding to those demands, without destroying relationships.