Jennifer Eyl

Jennifer Eyl


Jennifer Eyl

Jennifer Eyl is an Attorney and Licensed Professional Counselor who has been working in the fields of domestic and sexual violence since 1994.  She is the Director of the Domestic Violence and Caregiver Advocacy Programs at the Rocky Mountain Children’s Law Center.  She is known statewide for her expertise in domestic violence and domestic relations law, and trains attorneys, CFIs , victim advocates, law enforcement personnel, and others on these issues.



Tamara Kuennen  


Tamara Kuennen teaches a litigation clinic in which law students represent survivors of domestic and sexual violence.  Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Denver, she taught for two years in the Georgetown University Law Center’s Domestic Violence Clinic.  Kuennen’s research and writing focuses on the civil legal needs of survivors.  Prior to academia, Kuennen was a legal aid lawyer for five years.

All sessions by Jennifer Eyl