Kristin Toombs
Kristin Toombs is the Homeless Programs Manager at Colorado’s Department of Local Affairs, Division of Housing. The Homeless Programs Team provides leadership on homelessness and housing in partnership with local, state and federal stakeholders to build, promote and support collaborative approaches that connect housing and services to meet the needs of the most vulnerable citizens in Colorado. Before this position, Kristin spent six years at Robin Hood Foundation as a Senior Program Officer in the Survival Portfolio. She managed grants involving housing, homelessness and social services. These subjects align with her previous experience of four years working at Common Ground, a national leader in programming and housing that supports homeless individuals. Kristin served as Community Director of Common Ground’s Street to Home Program. Previously, she had worked with several nonprofits, focusing on mental health and other social services for those in need. Kristin earned her Masters in Public Administration at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) and is a graduate of Dartmouth College with a B.A. in Psychology.