
Since its inception in 2011, the Colorado Advocacy in Action Conference (CAIA) has demonstrated a robust curriculum and provided high level speakers on a variety of topics related to advocacy. In just 5 years, its attendance has grown quickly and steadily, and now includes participants from as far away as Rhode Island and Hawaii.

CAIA is co-hosted by the Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV) and the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CCASA). The Coalitions collaborate on this event in order to provide training and education that is based on best and promising practices for addressing sexual and domestic violence, and to ensure that services for survivors are as consistent and comprehensive as possible. CAIA is the only statewide conference specific to domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence advocacy.

Conference Highlights:

  • The conference has grown from a small 35 attendee symposium to a three-day conference with almost 300 attendees from across the country
  • Attendees include advocates, prevention educators, outreach staff, mental health professionals, campus professionals, medical providers, law enforcement, prosecutors, military command and advocacy, offender treatment professionals, school counselors, and so on.
  • Tracks include: Legal Policy, Program Management, Prevention/Social Change, Services/Advocacy and Underserved Populations. (Sponsorships are available for specific tracks)

Sponsorship Levels

Networking Sponsor


Additional Sponsorship Levels

Conference bags for attendees

Company name printed on bag


Become a Sponsor

Conference folders

Company name and logo
printed on folders


Become a Sponsor

Internet access for conference speakers

  • Company name on internet access cards provided to conference attendees
  • Recognition on sign at registration
  • Verbally acknowledged from podium



Track Sponsorship Levels

Looking to align your sponsorship with a particular mission? Sponsor an entire Track and receive exposure throughout the 3-day conference.

Track Sponsor Benefits Include:

  • Company name listed as sponsor on schedule
  • Logo displayed on podium in workshops
  • Logo displayed in Sponsor slideshow
  • Track Sponsor listing on conference website
  • Track Sponsor highlighted in email blast (Email Distribution +/- 1,200 )


Become a Sponsor

Prevention/Social Change

Become a Sponsor

Program Management

Become a Sponsor

Services and Advocacy

Become a Sponsor

Underserved Populations

Become a Sponsor

Printable Sponsorship Packet

This print-friendly PDF includes sponsorship levels and form.

Printable PDF