Issues in Advocacy for Victims Who Use Interpreters

Thursday, June 6, 2019 from 8:30AM - 10:00AM

Issues in Advocacy for Victims Who Use Interpreters

The use of advocates as interpreters undermines legal privilege for victims who use interpreters in ways that people who communicate through spoken English may not consider, and in ways that English-speaking victims do not face. Lack of access to qualified interpreters keeps victims from having ownership over their own stories and being full participants in criminal processes and other processes that may apply to victims. This presentation covers some of the main legal issues for non-English speaking victims and how advocates can protect their clients access to high-quality interpretation services. It also aims to create a discussion of how to best advocate for victims when advocates are being asked to act in dual roles that undermine advocate legal privilege, with the goal of creating a victim service culture that is supportive and non-discriminatory toward victims who primarily communicate through a language other than English.