Supporting and problem solving with the Treatment Victim Advocate

Supporting and problem solving with the Treatment Victim Advocate

In 2010 the Domestic Violence Offender Management Board (DVOMB) revised Section 7.0 of the Standards which addresses Victim Advocacy. One of the changes mandated the use of a Multi-Disciplinary Treatment Team (MTT), while offenders are involved in treatment. At a minimum, the MTT is comprised of the offender treatment provider, treatment victim advocate and supervising officer in the criminal justice system. The treatment victim advocate plays an integral role in this team, as this is the person who helps to keep the victim safe, facilitates communication to and from the victim regarding how the offender is doing in treatment, and what should be addressed that may not be being addressed with the offender. Across the state there are MTT’s that work well together and have been proven successful by developing effective ways of working together to protect victims of domestic violence. Other MTT’s have struggled and endured many challenges, including working with victims and survivors of minority populations. This presentation will present both successes and challenges, and will help brainstorm ideas with the audience regarding the challenges they face and how to overcome them in order to have a successful MTT.