The 5 “Ws” and the “H” of Domestic Violence Expert Testimony
This interactive workshop will offer guidance regarding the who, what, why, when, where and how of domestic violence expert witness testimony. Specifically, we will sketch the history of domestic violence expert testimony and discuss: • Who is qualified to be a domestic violence expert witness; • What topic areas the expert should be able to address; • Why and when a domestic violence expert should be consulted; • Where this expert can be important in domestic, civil, and criminal cases; and • How “quality control” considerations impact domestic violence expert testimony. Courts in all 50 states and the District of Columbia have admitted domestic violence expert testimony for at least the past 20 years, yet the foundations for admitting domestic violence expert testimony, the parameters of its use at trial, the qualifications necessary to become an expert, and even the accepted nomenclature for this type of testimony are often decided on a case-by-case or court-by-court basis. This workshop addresses these topics and includes best practice considerations and suggestions.
Download Slides:2018-CAIA-PowerPoint-The-5-Ws-and-the-H-of-Domestic-Violence-Expert-Testimony