Jessica Naberhaus
Jessica Naberhaus
Jessica is a Senior Social Caseworker with Denver’s DHS Adult Protective Services. Jessica has worked with the aging population for seven years in eligibility determination and protective services in case manager and supervisor capacities. She is the Mountain Regional Representative on the National Adult Protective Services Association Board and trains with the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life. Jessica has degrees in psychology and sociology from Eastern Michigan University and MPA from the CU.
Maro Casparian & Linda Loflin Pettit
Maro Casparian is the Director of Consumer Fraud for the Denver District Attorney’s Office, where she manages the CASE Partnership and trains and advises on elder abuse prevention. She and Linda (Victim and Community Outreach Program Manager in the Denver City Attorney’s Office) co-manage the Denver Forensic Collaborative for At-Risk Adults. Linda has worked in the field of domestic violence prevention since 1989 and trains with the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life.