Starting the Conversation: Officer Involved Domestic Violence
Officer Involved Domestic Violence is rarely discussed in advocacy circles, within the law enforcement community and is a topic rarely explored with the general public. It is estimated that 20 - 40% of intimate relationships involving a law enforcement officer involve a form(s) of abuse. The International Association of Chiefs of Police have created a model policy that is merely a recommendation for departments to utilize and use as a guideline. Some departments have internal policies to deal with OIDV and many do not, surprisingly. It is vitally important that departments create policy and even more important for states to mandate a policy and have regular training required via POST. It is critical that departments clearly communicate zero tolerance within their ranks and within the public eye that OIDV will not be tolerated. I will discuss my story, barriers faced by victims reporting their law enforcement perpetrator, how advocates can help OIDV victims in their communities, what law enforcement can do to help and how survivors can use their voices to educate in their communities and how rural advocates can help them achieve this.