From the Quad to the Courtroom: Campus Sexual Assault Cases in a Post-Title IX Era
While Title IX has existed for decades, the 2011 “Dear Colleague” letter and subsequent federal clarification of the law, sensationalized media coverage and the Office for Civil Rights investigations that followed have drastically shifted how higher education institutions respond to sexual violence on campus. As campus survivors can pursue reporting options through both the criminal justice system and their campus Title IX office, the result is often concurrent investigations through both processes, which creates unique challenges that can sometimes hinder or compromise a criminal case. This workshop will discuss challenges arising for communities in instances of co-occurring criminal and Title IX investigations and will highlight the Sexual Assault Interagency Council (SAIC), a multidisciplinary collaborative dedicated to improving the response to sexual assault in Denver, CO and their efforts to work collaboratively with campuses to promote a victim-centered response and ensure the integrity of both criminal and Title IX cases. Presenters will share case study examples and concrete steps communities can take to develop relationships and address challenges, as well as share promising practices.