The Other “F’ Word – Reclaiming Feminism in the Anti-Domestic Violence Movement

07 Jun 2016
1:15 pm-2:30 pm

The Other “F’ Word – Reclaiming Feminism in the Anti-Domestic Violence Movement

Stemming from the feminist and civil rights movement of the 60’s, the anti-domestic violence movement began with grassroots shelters and advocacy.  Early advocates aligned with the ideology that patriarchy was perpetuated through bureaucratic structures putting abused women in a position of reduced power.  As the cornerstone of the movement, and the antidote to patriarchy, feminism was deeply embedded and reflected in shelters, organizations, and victim advocacy – in which survivor-defined practices and social change activism was fundamental.  Workshop participants will discuss the values of feminist-based advocacy, assess where feminism is reflected and/or embedded within their organizations; recognize causal factors that have decreased or eliminated feminism, and begin to identify possible strategies to reclaim feminism in their advocacy and their organization.