Pat Tessmer

Pat Tessmer


Pat Tessmer

Pat Tessmer is the CCADV Program Director, providing training, technical assistance and advocacy. Before joining CCADV in 2010, Pat spent nearly 20 years as the executive director of a rural community-based domestic violence/sexual assault organization. Pat provides CCADV’s board training and strategic planning for members and is one of those rare people who actually like reading by-laws and discussing strategic planning, organizational structures, and board models.

Jacque Morse

Jacque Morse, Rural CCR Project Manager, provides training and technical assistance to four Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT) project sites in rural Colorado.  These CCR teams are currently working towards developing or enhancing the domestic violence response of core community responders (which includes community-based victim advocates, system-based victim advocates, law enforcement, prosecution, probation, judicial, batterer’s intervention, medical treatment, and forensic evidence collection), and developing and/or enhancing the law enforcement, criminal justice, and advocacy response to battered women.  Before joining CCADV Ms. Morse was the Executive Director of S.H.A.R.E., Inc., a rural domestic violence program in Northeastern Colorado.  During her twenty-five year tenure with S.H.A.R.E., she was involved in all aspects of program management including fiscal development and oversight as well as program development.   As Executive Director of S.H.A.R.E., Ms. Morse was instrumental in securing two federal Rural Violence Against Women Act discretionary grants as well as securing a federal earmark allocation.  She also successfully coordinated a two year, multi-disciplinary Domestic Violence Safety and Accountability Audit for Morgan County.

All sessions by Pat Tessmer