Qusair Mohamedbhai

Qusair Mohamedbhai


Qusair Mohamedbhai

Mr. Mohamedb­hai advo­cates for the rights of employ­ees in the workplace and for the civil rights of all indi­vid­u­als against gov­ern­men­tal and insti­tu­tional abuses of power.  Mr. Mohamedbahi was rec­og­nized as a Col­orado “Super Lawyer” in the area of Plaintiff’s employment lit­i­ga­tion from 2014-2016 and is a two-time recipient of the CTLA’s Case of the Year Award.  In addition to his practice, Mr. Mohamedbhai teaches constitutional law and employment litigation at DU – Sturm College of Law and Metro State University.


All sessions by Qusair Mohamedbhai